Gabe Wood
Twitter: GabeCWood
Twitch: Scaregoat
Email: gabe@sevencut.com
Before Hollywood started enforcing its self-imposed moral standard known as the Hays Code, Scarface shocked audiences with its violence to the point that several states and cities outright forbid it from playing.
While Frankenchrist features long songs condemning American culture, it was a poster included with the record that landed Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafra and label manager Michael Bonanno in court with an obscenity charge.
Mike Diana knew his violent underground comic Boiled Angel didn't fit into his community of Largo, Florida, but he couldn't imagine that it would eventually get him arrested for obscenity.
In 1991 Raise the Red Lantern received international praise for its story about the concubine system in 1920s China, but the Chinese government saw it as a subtle condemnation of authoritarian rule.
Estonian music composer Arvo Pärt was blacklisted by the Soviet musical establishment for putting his spirituality into his songs.
One of the most banned paintings in the world was considered so shocking, the original owner kept it hidden behind a curtain. It wasn't displayed publicly for over 100 years, and even today police sometimes confiscate books bearing its image. What could this painting be of to cause such intense reactions?
On the cusp of World War II, one of the world's greatest comedians decided to condemn fascism by lampooning one of the world's most powerful leaders.
Humans have been writing smut for thousands of years, from obscene poems to dirty folk songs. But when the first erotic novel was written in 18th century England, it caused such a stir that the courts banned it for over 200 years.
When an artist cannot create, what do they do? Some will sit idle, waiting for their circumstances to change. Others will abandon their creative pursuits altogether, in favor of something less punishing. But some, like acclaimed Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi, will struggle to keep creating.
If you like stories that are unsettling and disorienting, watch Mulholland Drive. If you enjoy movies that you have to think about, or even watch multiple times to understand, watch Mulholland Drive. If you like Darren Aronofsky movies, True Detective, Tim and Eric, or any of the other countless movies and TV shows that Mulholland Drive has influenced, watch Mulholland Drive.
Lars von Trier's miniseries The Kingdom (also known by its Danish title, Riget) at first feels like just a medical drama with a bit of a supernatural edge to it. However, it doesn't take long for a deeper corruption to creep in.
Out of Skin is a short webcomic by writer and illustrator Emily Carroll. Taking place in some old European woodland (think the kind of forest from a Grimms' fairy tale), a woman who lives alone finds a pit full of women's corpses.
In most games you play as a hero. You're there to do good, save the day, and bask in the glory of an adoring populace and a happy ending. Realistically, though, heroes are rarely given the respect and thanks they deserve.
Metal is a genre of outsiders, so if mainstream society shows they're afraid of the devil, scaring them by singing about loving the devil becomes a pretty metal thing to do.
People change a lot as teenagers. It's just a matter of course that, as bodies develop and hormones start coursing, personalities shift as well. You may not have the same interests or hang out with the same people after you go through puberty, and to others you'll seem like an entirely new person. Or maybe, if you change enough, an entirely new creature.
Horror manga series Uzumaki focuses on Kurôzu-cho, a city in Japan that starts being plagued by spirals.
Welcome to Mysterium, a cooperative board game where everyone plays as a psychic trying to solve a murder, except for one player who plays a ghost trying to guide those psychics by sending them dreams in the form of "vision cards" decorated with surreal art.
The saying "a dog is a man's best friend" has been taken to heart by a lot of screenwriters. You have Toto, Sam from I Am Legend, Lassie performing ridiculous feats of heroism and saving kids from wells. If I had to put money on the most loyal dog ever created, though, I'd pick Courage.
If you've done much traveling in your life, you've probably been somewhere with customs you don't agree with. But what if you went somewhere and saw a custom that was truly abhorrent? Would you say anything? Would you do anything?
Learn all about the teams competing in The International 2017 in Sevencut's TI7 Team Overview.
Only watch The International once a year? Trying to catch up on what's happened in Dota 2 since last year's international tournament? Let us give you a head start with part 1 of our Dota 2: TI7 series!
What does the year of the gamer entail? Multiple front page hits of the New York Times? Beating TV ratings for eSports? Or maybe it just means good games? We asked our regulars about the brightest moments of 2014, and while they might seem satisfied, some still eagerly anticipate 2015 will shine brighter.
With Hearthstone’s Goblins vs. Gnomes update adding 120 new cards to the online card game, players are hard at work scheming inventive new decks to crush their opponents in ranked play. This list outlines the standout great cards of GvG, while also looking at some cards that seem tantalizing at first, but will likely come up short.
Does Blizzard's new game Overwatch meet their lore master's goal of making their game more socially inclusive? Did it successfully fine tune these heroes to fit the progressive nature progressive critique craves? To answer that question, we dive into the character design surrounding the heroes released so far.
With the gaming community polarizing their beliefs in the wake of Gamergate, some gamers can't stand the socially progressive game trends flooding the scene.
Destructive Creation's Hatred gamifies the collective abhorrence against this new wave of socially progressive gaming, and shows a market might exist for outrageously extreme games.
You've seen the hype, you've seen the energy, and you've decided that this weekend you're going to watch The International for DOTA 2. The only problem: you have no idea how to play DOTA 2.
Let's help you with that.
I chafe at limited communication. The idea of a social media service that only lets you choose pre-written responses aggravates me, and that's why I'm worried about what Hearthstone means for future gaming communications.
Though it's a classic short story and a staple of American English courses, The Lottery has been banned by both school districts and an entire nation.