Reading Rainbow Set for Record-Breaking Numbers

LeVar Burton's Reading Rainbow created a KickStarter to bring back the cancelled show, and it's over the 240,000 dollar mark, half of which was donated within the past 30 minutes. 

Update #1: The Kickstarter is now halfway to the $1 million goal.

Update #2: The Kickstarter campaign passed their goal in under 12 hours, and is on its way to becoming reality.

Update #3: The Reading Rainbow Kickstarter, at 13 hours, has hit the 1.2 million dollar mark. They have 34 more days until they close their donation campaign. 

LeVar's goal, as stated in their Kickstarter video, is to create a Reading Rainbow website for both home and classroom use, with the latter costing nothing to underprivileged schools. 

The 30 year-old show was cancelled by PBS in 2009, and two years ago, Reading Rainbow created one of the most popular tablet apps. 

With current backers over the 4,000 mark, most backers have donated 50 dollars to the cause, earning them a choice of Reading Rainbow merchandise. Other gifts include dinners and autographs from LeVar, and even a co-starring role in one of their video field trips. 

Despite the stellar acting career LeVar Burton is known for, most comments on the Kickstarter show donations stem from a childhood love of Reading Rainbow, which have inspired hundreds of thousands of children to grow a passion for reading.

Donations will likely jump over Reading Rainbow's goal of 1 million dollars, although Reading Rainbow has not announced what they would do with additional funds. 

Editor's Note: Yes, this doesn't have to do with gaming, but as writers, a passion for the written word remains near to our hearts. Reading Rainbow has touched nearly every life on our team, and this is the least we can do to for a show that encouraged a passion for reading and writing.